Michigan needs to get its priorities straight

September 28, 2009

Michigan is facing one of the most difficult budget crises our state has ever seen. There have been several proposals on how our state can solve this $2.8 billion shortfall, but no matter what, difficult cuts must be made. While Senate Democrats realize this, we also understand that with these devastating cuts, Michigan would not be able to successfully compete with other states in the region and our already-struggling families would continue to suffer. A budget that is only focused on slashing valuable programs will do more harm than good, and the Legislature should also be considering serious reforms.

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Dear Freep: Thank you!

September 10, 2009

Dear Editor: Kudos to the Free Press editorial board for finally saying what a lot of Michigan’s working parents already knew: That the state Senate’s budget plan “would have cut too deeply in core state services such as Medicaid and early childhood learning.”

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No, I’m not crazy. I like to talk to babies!

September 10, 2009

I was waiting in the checkout line at Meijer’s on Sunday with my daughter, Abby. There was a woman in front of us busy buying her items. Her infant daughter was with her, hanging out in her car seat in the grocery cart.

Staring right at me, I couldn’t help but start talking to her. I commented on all the groceries her mom had to buy, asked her whether she had any brothers or sisters, if she was enjoying the nice weather, and so on. She began waving her hands a little bit and I could see the corners of her mouth trying to move. She had so much she wanted to say!

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Does your child want to be a reading star?

August 31, 2009

PBS Between the Lions will be filming in Detroit on September 16 and 17. They are looking for children, ages three to seven, to be part of their program. Please share with teachers and parents — we want to show off our region’s literacy stars!

Music and movement is fun and educational

August 27, 2009

Who knew that singing silly songs, marching in a circle and playing with musical instruments was developing [my daughter’s] reading and math skills?

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Janet has the most important job in the world

August 25, 2009

Janet, grandmother of Jordyn, age 5, and Evan, age 3, is an early childhood educator. No, she doesn’t have a degree in it or teach in a classroom, but she’s an educator just the same.

Janet is caring and educating her two grandchildren while her daughter is at work. Janet is the first to tell you she’s a fabulous caregiver – having successfully raised her daughter as well as a host of nieces and nephews. But when she began caring for her grandchildren a generation later, she thought maybe – just maybe – she could use a refresher. That’s when she found United Way’s Early Learning Community in Brightmoor. These communities provide free training and resources for individuals like relatives, neighbors, and childcare aides caring for young children.

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Children learn through play

November 23, 2008

Today, the Detroit Free Press published an article on the importance of play for young children. What I’ve found is that parents and other adults have one of two reactions: 1) “But of course, let children be children!” or 2) “What? Children need to study, have structure, rules, etc.” I submit that play falls in between these two beliefs. What might generally not be known is that play fosters learning. It also promotes confidence and social skills. All of these characteristics are required for children to be successful in school and in life.

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